m4edu assists management4health GmbH in the provision of the following services The Global Project “Partnership Approaches for Development-Oriented Vocational Training and Labour Migration” (PAM) on behalf of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) builds on previous experiences to develop and pilot new partnership approaches to labour migration. An important responsibility is to share Germany’s learning and experiences with other countries and a range of different actors. PAM is currently piloting mobility schemes in cooperation with four selected partner countries over a span of roughly 2 years.
Partnership approaches for safe, regular and orderly training and labour migration between Germany and cooperation countries aim at allowing Germany to satisfy its demand for skills by tapping into global labour markets. The partnership aspect underscores the approaches’ intention not to harm, and instead benefit migrants as well as the labour markets from which they originate.
M4edu and our team of scholars accompany the project with practice-oriented research intended to help achieve, document and present knowledge gains made on development-oriented vocational training and labour migration. Our experts will finally produce a set of recommendations on pilot models and partnership approaches that are judged to work and deemed suitable for continuation and expansion – and those that are not.
The scientific accompanying study aims to show
- creation of a research design for the accompanying scientific study;
- design, implementation and evaluation of surveys;
- participation in and evaluation of the findings/results of partner events and reflection sessions;
- writing, documenting and delivering (interim) results and discussion papers.