Improving Services and Technical Solutions in Africa

South Africa
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)
Financing Institution
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)

Project Description

SIFA II (Skills Initiative for Africa) supports the political partner – the African Union Commission (AUC) – in the further development and implementation of a continental demand-oriented and inclusive (gender-transformative) TVET strategy and in the supranational harmonisation of TVET systems. The African Union Development Agency – New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD) – is the project’s implementing partner.

AUDA-NEPAD’s overall mandate is to coordinate and execute priority regional and continental projects to promote regional integration towards the accelerated realisation of Agenda 2063, to strengthen capacities of African Union Member States and regional bodies, advance knowledge-based advisory support, mobilize resources and serve as the continent’s technical interface with all of Africa’s development stakeholders and development partners.

SIFA II promotes AUDA-NEPAD’s service mandate as a development agency and supports the further development and delivery of a corresponding service offer to facilitate the implementation of the continental strategy at regional and, especially, at national level.

SIFA II contributes to improving the services and technical solutions provided by the AU for the implementation of demand-driven and inclusive (and gender-transformative) TVET in the AU member countries. Thus, it is a continental program that targets all member states of the African Union through technical cooperation. It is accompanied by a financial cooperation facility -implemented in cooperation with the German Development Bank (KfW) – which provides incentives for the pilot implementation of relevant approaches in AU member states involved in the implementation of activities under the financial mechanism (Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Togo and Tunisia). Support to pilot implementation (output area 4) will focus on these eight countries participating in the financial cooperation. The four fields of action under SIFA II anchor elements of the continental TVET strategy in TVET agendas of AU member states. The project seeks to (1) strengthen the AUC’s and AUDA-NEPAD’s human, institutional and organisational capacities, (2) support the development of continental technical solutions and (3) the preparation and provision of evidence-based and application-oriented knowledge for African TVET stakeholders (e.g. through ASPYEE). In addition, the project technically supports the pilot implementation of relevant national ‘applications’ of the continental TVET strategy incentivised through the financial cooperation (4). Lessons learned in pilot implementations are fed back into Output 3 and thus shared and disseminated.

Provided Services

Work Package 1: Planning and facilitation support

  • Moderation and facilitation of SIFA planning workshops
  • 3-year implementation plan as well as yearly operational plans (for SIFA overall as well as for each individual) Internal Workshop SIFA team
  • Capacity works, Result Matrix, Definition, Activities, Finance & admin session;
  • Gender Transformative vs gender sensitive; Examples from ASPYEE; possible activities for SIFA II;
  • Finance Facility (with country consultants
  • Team building for SIFA TC team + AUC/AUDA + FC (South Africa based)
  • Consultants & Management: Final Discussion and management strategy (AUC,AUDA, GIZ)

Work Package 2: Support to the development of Capacity Works tools for SIFA II

  • Based on the outcome of the planning workshop and operational planning documents, the team of experts will support the development of selected tools to be developed for and by the SIFA project.

Work Package 3: Support to coaching and mentorship for AUDA and AUC

  • Based on needs identified and tools developed under Work Package 2, the team of experts will support the SIFA project team in developing and delivering coaching and mentoring support to members of AUDA and AUC and other partner organisations where required. Depending on the nature and content, the support will be delivered either remotely, face to face or in a blended-learning approach. Where appropriate, available ICT tools to support the coaching and mentoring will be made available by the SIFA project.